Multi dintre voi probabil cunoasteti povestea dintre Henric al VIII-lea (regele Angliei 1509 - 1547) si Anne Boleyn (a doua lui sotie), din istorie, sau din seria The Tudors, de pe HBO. Daca nu...foarte trist, cititi!
S-au pastrat 7 din scrisorile lui de dragoste trimise ei (La Biblioteca de la Vatican) iar ale ei din pacate s-au pierdut...sau au fost facute pierdute...tot ce e posibil. Am de gand sa le pun una cate una pentru ca le consider o lectura emotionanta. Acum va las sa va delectati cu prima:
"My mistress and friend, I and my heart put ourselves in your hands, begging you to recommend us to your favour, and not to let absence lessen your affection to us. For it were pity to increase our pain, which absence alone does sufficiently, and more than I could ever have thought; bringing to my mind a point of astronomy, which is, That, the farther the Moors are from us, the farther too is the sun, and yet his heat is the more scorching; so it is with our love, we are at a distance from one another, and yet it keeps its fervency, at least on my side. I hope the like on your part, assuring you, that the uneasiness of absence is already too sever for me; and when I think of the continuance of that which I must of necessity suffer, it would seem intolarable to me, were it not for the firm hope I have of your unchangable affection for me; and now, to put you sometimes in mind of it, and seeing I cannot be present in person with you, I send you the nearest thing to that possible, that is, my picture set in bracelets, with the whole device, which you know already, wishing myself in their place, when it shall please you. This from the hand of
Your servant and friend,
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